When Terry and Nancy Fuller opened their new Page-A-Day calendar to January 1, they were pleased to see the picture of Chimney Rock at Georgia O’Keeffe’s Ghost Ranch—until they read the text. According to the calendar, Ghost Ranch is in both New Mexico and Nevada!


Not too long after graduating from high school, Gaby Gibson and her sister, Christina, stopped at a gas station just outside Wyoming, on their way to Yellowstone. The woman behind the counter said they looked as if they’d been traveling for a while and asked, “So where are you all from?” Gaby answered, “Las Cruces, New Mexico.” The clerk paused and said, “Well, you both speak very good English.” Rather than correct her, the girls thanked her, gathered their purchases, and walked back to their car, suppressing their giggles.


Patsy Molina hit a roadblock when she tried to place an online order with Target. When her shipping address was rejected, she called customer service. Molina noted some caution in the voice of the agent, who put her on hold. “It’s restricted,” the agent said when she returned. “We can’t ship to Canada or Mexico.” Molina burst out laughing. “It’s New Mexico—between Arizona and Texas!” The agent, laughing, continued to type, apologized, and said, “Yes ma’am! We can ship to New Mexico, since you don’t live in Mexico!”

Send Us Your Story—Please! Dear “Fifty” fans: Help sustain this popular feature by sharing your anecdotes—we know you have some choice ones that you just haven’t gotten around to writing down and sending in. Just dash it off if you like, and we’ll take it from there. Submissions will be edited for style and space. Please include your name, hometown, and state. E-mail to fifty@nmmagazine.com, or mail to Fifty, New Mexico Magazine, 495 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501.