COVID-19 Meeting Announcement

New Mexico Tourism Commission

2nd quarter VIRTUAL meeting
Thursday, December 17, 2020 

2:30 PM - 4:30 PM (MDT)


In light of the pandemic and in an effort to protect the health and safety of everyone involved, Jenny Kimball, chair of the Tourism Commission, has decided that the 2nd quarter Virtual Tourism Commission meeting will occur exclusively via GoTo Webinar teleconference.  Commissioners and all other participants, including members of the public, will use the same link to join the meeting. If you would like the GoTo Webinar registration invitation emailed to you, please contact Helen A. Campion by email at  Alternatively, you may find the relevant GoTo Webinar registration link listed below:

Please register for Virtual NMTD Commission Meeting 2nd quarter on Dec 17, 2020 2:30 PM MST at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Drafted Agenda