IPW was held June 1 - 5 in Anaheim, California. It is the country’s largest travel tradeshow; over $4 billion in future travel to the United States is conducted at IPW. Eight state partners, including the Tourism Department, participated this year:
- Heritage Hotels
- Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
- Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
- Tourism Santa Fe
- Visit Albuquerque
- Visit Las Cruces
- Gallup Real True
Each partner met with numerous international and domestic tour operators, pitching their regions and destinations to increase visitation to the state. New Mexico is currently not on many tour operator’s itineraries and the partners have collaborated to change that.
The Tourism Department hosted a double shared booth and was joined by Heritage Hotels, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Together, the New Mexico True booth conducted 76 appointments with tour operators and travel industry representatives. Through these meetings, it was evident that New Mexico is largely undiscovered and there is opportunity to increase visitation through IPW.
Several partners also participated in IPW’s Media Marketplace. Each partner had 20 appointments with national and international travel writers, pitching uniquely New Mexican destinations and stories to multiple media outlets.
Partners will be following all IPW leads in conversion efforts to bring more tourists to New Mexico and gain more earned media. The Tourism Department is also assessing how best to participate in IPW, building a travel trade strategy.
Contact Aimee Awonohopay at aimee.awonohopay@state.nm.us or (505) 690-8647 for further details.