New Mexico has had busy weeks in national news. See what people are saying about the Land of Enchantment and New Mexico True with these stories and articles:


Three Different Art Stops in Santa Fe (Travel Pulse)

Santa Fe has long been known as a regional as well as international art escape, thanks to its bevy of art galleries and creative institutions. Read and share…


Revisiting history in New Mexico's Salinas Valley (CNHI News)

A Fourth of July drive across central New Mexico to the town of Clovis offered some time to explore Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument.  Read and share…


Albuquerque’s Hotel Chaco Perfects the Concept of Local Styling (Travel Pulse)

Where do I begin with Albuquerque’s stunning new Hotel Chaco? Suffice it to say that in all my worldwide travels, this hotel, located on the edge of the city’s historic Old Town area, may actually be my favorite—anywhere. Read and share…