The New Mexico Tourism Department announced today that 41 local and tribal governments and non-profit entities have been awarded $481,152 in cooperative marketing funds for the 2017-2018 cycle. These grant awards amplify advertising and promotional messages of New Mexico destinations, attractions and events.


Entities had the opportunity to apply for both the popular Media Menu Plan (MMP), first introduced last year, and the traditional Flexible Funding programs. Applicants were evaluated on criteria such as campaign goals and tactics, brand integration, collaboration and whether requested funds represented enhanced efforts to achieve greater results.


The long-running, successful Cooperative Marketing Program doubles partner investments by matching advertising campaign expenditures dollar-for-dollar. “Groundbreaking program improvements this year gave MMP partners access to the Department’s marketing muscle, leveraging its relationships, volume purchases and preferred pricing,” exclaimed Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Latham. “Among the improvements of which we’re most proud,” Latham continued, “MMP alleviates the financial burden on its awardees who used to pay 100% in advance and are now only responsible for their half.” For those with opportunities beyond the Department’s media menu, eligible expenses for Flex partners included advertising with ancillary vendors, web site development, influencer projects and campaigns, and trade show expenses.


With requests totaling $678,851 it was an extremely competitive process. The review committee had to remain laser focused and funded only the highest scoring applicants. “We look forward to working with our industry partners throughout the coming year. We’re already at work on next fiscal year’s grant cycle, evaluating what went well and how we can improve,” said Andrea Lawrence, program administrator. The FY19 Cooperative Marketing Grant Program is expected to open in early 2018 for advertising and marketing campaigns commencing in July 2018.