New Mexico Human Services Department Sec. David R. Scrase M.D. to give a COVID-19 modeling and reopening gating criteria webinar update

SANTA FE – New Mexico Human Services Department Cabinet Secretary David R. Scrase, M.D. will provide a COVID-19 modeling and reopening webinar update and take questions, tomorrow Friday, June 19.

WHAT: Data driven presentation on COVID-19 cases, modeling update, and public health reopening gating criteria status by Human Services Department Sec. Scrase with Q & A 


WHEN: Friday, June 19, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Following the presentation, members of the media will be able to participate remotely. If you would like to listen to the presentation, and for members of the media only there will be an opportunity to ask questions, please RSVP to with your name and media affiliation. After your RSVP is received, you will receive more information about how to participate. We will attempt to unmute the media individually for your questions. However, please be prepared to type your questions in the event there are unexpected technical difficulties.