In response to the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring a Global Health Emergency and the state of New Mexico declaring a Public Health Emergency due to the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the New Mexico Tourism Department has put together essential online and e-commerce information and resources.
COVID-19 Small Business Support
Free videos available covering topics such as communicating with your customers, adapting to social distancing, resources to keep you “open”, crowdfunding, how to adapt from F2F to on-line
Connect with their #OpenWeStand community to collaborate w/ other businesses in the same pivoting situation
Additional training course examples:
Ready to Be an Entrepreneur?
Plan Your Online Presence
Introduction to Domains at GoDaddy
Getting to Know Websites + Marketing
Build Your Own Website
Add an Online Store to Your Website
One month free trial for creating a website
Monthly pricing plans run $10-$25/mo. Depending on services needed or interested in
Google My Business
This online workshop produced by Miles Partnership and the New Mexico Tourism Department shares tips and best practices on how businesses can optimize exposure within Google’s products and improve conversion of digital audiences to actual customers:
Claim and Manage Your Account
Obtain and Respond to Reviews
Tips to Improve Photography
Adding 360 Photos and Videos
Removing Photos from Listings
Leveraging Local Guides
Getting the Most from Posts
LinkedIn Learning
This service provides Continuing Professional Education (CPEs) and access to 15,000+ expert-led courses in Business, Creative and Technology industries, including a number of courses in the area of Marketing.
One month free trial
$29.99/mo. Or $19.99/mo if paid annually
Being a part of the LinkedIn community also provides access to COVID-19 offerings such as news, stats, impact on hiring, resources to help navigate work and coronavirus, how to connect with employees in times of stress, and give and get help from a broad community of employers.
Learn more.
Offering the following to help businesses impacted by COVID-19:
An extended free 90-day trial
Access to $200M in small business funding with Shopify Capital ( Shopify Capital loans are currently limited to Shopify stores located in select US states, while Shopify Capital merchant cash advances are available in all remaining US states.
Connect with fellow business owners and get support in our COVID-19 community forum.
Physical and digital gift cards available to all new and existing Shopify plans
Free creation of a local delivery option only visible to local customers, if the business has the capacity
Brick and mortar retailers using Shopify POS will have the ability to offer in-store/curb-side p/u for online orders
Access to weekly virtual programming designed to help your business and local community meetups to connect with other bus. owners and experts online.
Pricing plans:
Basic – starting a new business = $29/mo
Shopify – everything you need for a growing bus. = #$79/mo
Advanced Shopify – advanced features for scaling your business
Free on-line training courses available including setting up your on-line store, live webinars Compass Webinars, and free virtual educational experiences for potential and existing merchants.
Can also migrate an on-line store from another platform
Learn more.
Website builder (recommended by New Mexico Mainstreet)
Create or transfer a domain
Free online webinars to help you build your site
Easy to use templates available
Access to a community forum to discuss best practices and seek advice from fellow professionals and businesses
14-day free trial for creating a website
Monthly pricing plans run $18-$40/mo. Depending on services needed and if you pay monthly vs. annually
Hospitality skills re-imagined. Typsy offers globally endorsed online hospitality training videos led by world-class industry professionals. Typsy is providing no-cost subscriptions to individuals, businesses or schools impacted by COVID-19 until September 30, 2020.
Sign up here.
Principles of Social Media Marketing
Google Suites, Google Drive – Docs and Slides
Google Drive – Google Sheets
Instagram Marketing
Online Content Creation
Digital Media Marketing with Empower by GoDaddy in partnership with AEO, presented by WESST
Business Model Canvas and Understanding How to Pivot for Changing Times
YouTube Video Builder
YouTube offers small businesses a free tool to create videos. Businesses in need of a video can create one, which will help connect them with customers to stay informed.
Create clips of up to 15 seconds in length
Easily download the clips from Video Builder to use as you please