Don't miss this month's awesome webinar. 

With events such as Travel Tank 2.0, International Media Marketplace and IPW around the corner, is your destination ready to take advantage of these media opportunities with a solid uniquely New Mexican, travel-inspiring story idea? In this webinar we will speak with local experts, Jennifer Hobson-Hinsley from JLH Media, Jennifer Villela with V Media and travel journalist, Steve Larese, on the art of crafting a well-developed pitch, as well as learning what travel writers look for when considering an upcoming story.

RSVP here to reserve your spot.

January 18, 2018
10:00 am – 11:00 am

Key Takeaways:

  • What is a pitch and why do I need one?
  • What do journalists look for in a pitch?
  • What can I do to make my pitch relevant to a specific journalist?
  • How can I leverage the tourism department’s partnership opportunities to garner earned media?
  • How does my idea, experience or destination evoke an emotional connection?
  • What other assets can I include in my pitch to make it more appealing?
  • Best practices and success stories from New Mexico communities.