Episode 10: All Over The Map

New Mexico is diverse in all senses of the word. And in this episode we sample the adventures available all over the state, from ghost towns of the gold rush to the roots of rock-and-roll, from bizarre landscapes formed by eons to a modern method of exploring the wilderness. Grab your sunscreen and good walking shoes, we're headed for unique experiences with the NM True TV Crew.

Episode 9: New Mexico Traditions

From hot air to hot chile, from parades celebrating of our departed loved ones to communities celebrating a pig roast New Mexico is loaded with traditions. We even take time each autumn to ceremonially burn our gloom. In a state rich with diverse cultures and blended history, our traditions are unique. And in every case they provide a great excuse to get off the couch and get out there to take part.

Episode 8: Route 66, Part 2

This thread of nostalgic pavement still winds its way across New Mexico. Route 66 is as Americana as it gets, but within the borders of New Mexico the icons of the 20th Century that make the Mother Road have a distinct flavor. In this episode the True TV Crew explores the eastern half of the famous road. They could decommission the highway, but there is no way to derail the memories and adventures it still holds.

Episode 7: Route 66, Part 1

Route 66 is still alive and well in New Mexico, despite the interstate highway system that made it obsolete as a fast way to get from point A to point B. Here the True TV Crew explores some of the reasons the Route survives, and why getting there quickly isn't always getting there best.

Episode 6: New Mexico Beer & Wine 

In this episode we relax with a glass of wine or a cold beer. But we also travel on an exploration of the fluid crop that ties deeply into the culture and history of the state. It turns out there is more than just fine liquid in those glasses. There are stories. Come along as the True TV Crew gives us a taste, quite literally, of the adventures that abound in the world of New Mexico’s beer and wine.

Episode 5: El Camino Real Part Two

There is so much to see and do and learn along El Camino Real in New Mexico that it takes two episodes to share it all. And in this second installment the True TV Crew tackles the northern half of the famous trail. From food to fun, from saloons to snakes, this episode has it all.

Episode 4: El Camino Real, Part One 

It is unlikely that any single path into what is now New Mexico did more to change the history and culture of the area than El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, or the Royal Road to the Interior Lands. Today the trail itself is largely memory, but the sites (and sights) along the trail still carry the heritage El Camino Real created. The True TV Crew shares the adventures they discovered as they traveled the southern portion of the famous Royal Road in New Mexico. 


Episode 3: Roadside Oddities & Treasures

For whatever reason New Mexico seems to attract more than its share of “characters,” and as the True TV Crew plainly shows us here many of them set up shop, of sorts, along the streets of our state. From an expansive museum of tiny carnival memories (and much more) to a city’s impressive display of iconic western windcatchers, you can’t drive in any direction in New Mexico without soon coming across enthralling roadside attractions. And along the way we’ll stop for a mouth-watering green chile cheeseburger…in the shadow of strange statues.

Episode 2: Agritourism

New Mexico has a bounty of agriculture, and much of it offers unique opportunities to travelers. From picking raspberries to dyeing wool, the True TV Crew gives us a glimpse of the state's special offerings.

Episode 1: The Gila Region

Both the wild and the west still survive and thrive in the southwestern New Mexico Gila National Forest region. Ancient cave dwellings one day, fine dining the next, and all sandwiched around some unmatched biking opportunities. That's just the beginning of the experiences the True TV Crew shares with us on this adventure. And we should probably mention the classic old west saloon, and the characters who populate the barstools inside.