Located in the 1916 red-brick National Guard Armory building, the Deming Luna County Mimbres Museum has about 25,000 square feet of exhibition space. The visitor will find a bit of everything here including a Military Room, the Quilt Room, the Doll Room and the Tack Room. The museum also tells of life in the Southwest, showing a Mimbres Room that showcases Mimbreno Indian Pottery.
An excellent display of memorabilia of early pioneer life. . .with relics of Fort Cummings (1863), Camp Cody (WWI) and the Deming Air Base (WWII). You'll also linger at displays of rocks and minerals, old cars, a 1918 fire truck, early day kitchens and dental offices as highlights.
Completed two months after the famous Pancho Villa Raid (March 9, 1916) at Columbus, the Armory in which the museum is located, later served both as a community social center and as a USO activity center.
Luna County Historical Society purchased this building in 1977 for use as a museum, when the new armory was finished.
You will enjoy many fine exhibits...too numerous to picture here. Walk down the streets of pioneer Deming; admire the charming ladies' styles of early 1900's. Visit the Quilt - Lace room. Two thousand bells and hundreds of whiskey bottles, portraying every real and fictional character you can name, will hold your attention.
The huge chuckwagon used on the giant Diamond A Ranch is here. This ranch was one of the many vast spreads of the early years of ranching. Deming's railroad prominence shows in having a Harvey House, duplicated in a nostalgic display.
Plan A Visit
Open Monday through Saturday 9am to 4pm, closed Sunday
312 S Silver Ave
Deming, NM 88030 USA
Phone: 575-546-2382